Neural synthesis of firing decisions in the brain
Thomas Saaty
Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business
University of Pittsburgh
United States
Publication date: Nov, 2012
Journal: Istanbul University Journal of the School of Business,
Vol.: 41- Issue: 2- Pages: 162-171
Abstract: The brain generally miniaturizes its perceptions into what may be regarded as a model of what happens outside. We experience the world according to the capacity of our nervous system to register the stimuli we receive. In order to understand and control the environment there needs to be proportionality between the measurements represented in the miniaturized model that arises from the firings of our neurons, and the actual measurements in the real world. Thus our response to stimuli must satisfy the fundamental functional equation F(ax) = bF(x). In other words, our interpretation of a stimulus as registered by the firing of our neurons is proportional to what it would be if it were not filtered through the brain. This equation is the homogeneous part of the inhomogeneous equation F(ax) - bF(x) = G(x) with the forcing function G(x). What interests us here is the mode of operation of the (firing) system that needs to always satisfy the homogeneous part.
Keywords: Decision making, Neural firing and synthesis, Fredholm’s equation, Neural representation