Creative Decisions Foundation Events
Business Case
Hackathon Topic: Ethical Dilemmas and Responsibility in Autonomous Vehicles
As self-driving cars edge closer to everyday reality, a pressing question emerges: when faced with ethical dilemmas on the road, who should hold the responsibility— the vehicle’s owner, the software developer, or the manufacturer? This hackathon challenges participants to explore these layered perspectives and develop decision-making frameworks that advance transparency, adaptability, and accountability in autonomous vehicle ethics.
Can technology bridge these ethical complexities in a way that’s both practical and meaningful? Imagine customizable decision support systems that empower owners to align their vehicle’s decision-making with personal values, while fully understanding the ethical implications of each choice. Hackathon teams are encouraged to craft innovative, scalable solutions to this intricate challenge, driving forward a new era of responsible and ethical self-driving technology.
The CDF Organizations
The International Symposium on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (ISAHP) is a biennial conference on multi-criteria decision analysis. It brings together researchers, teachers, students and users of AHP/ANP to share their research and experiences in decision making.
IJAHP is a scholarly journal that publishes papers about research and applications of the AHP and ANP
See our complete collection of books on decision making with the AHP and the ANP, the multiple criteria decision making theories created by Thomas L. Saaty. If you have to make complex decisions, by yourself or with others, read his original works.
The SuperDecisions is the only free educational software that implements the ANP and was developed by the team of the creator of the method, Thomas Saaty.