
Resource results for topic: ANP

AHP and ANP for beginners - Dependence and Feedback in Single Networks

Level: Beginner
Author(s): Thomas Saaty
This presentation is a lecture on Dependence and Feedback in Single Networks. This is for AHP and ANP beginners. It includes concepts of scales, synthesis, pairwise comparisons, linear hierarchy, and ANP involves dependence and feedback with examples.

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How did Thomas Saaty come up with the 1-9 AHP scale?

Level: Beginner
Author(s): Creative Decisions Foundation, Thomas Saaty
The video explored the 1-9 scale that is used in AHP and ANP.

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The Essentials of the Analytic Network Process with Seven Examples

Level: Beginner
Author(s): The Super Decisions Software , Thomas Saaty
Every Project should have a summary with the following figures and tables included 1. Title with brief explanation of what the problem is and why a decision is needed. 2. BOCR networks compactly shown 3. Table of the BOCR control criteria, subcriteria and their priorities 4. Table of t...

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Web System for Medical Diagnosis Support

Level: Intermediate
Author(s): Claudio Garuti, Mario Sandoval
The medical diagnosis error corresponds to any failure or mistake in the patient care process that leads to the lack of a diagnosis, an incorrect or delayed one. The main reasons for error in medical diagnosis can be grouped into two fundamental pillars: incorrect/inaccurated diagnosis, and lac...

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EMBA Decision Making Course Schedule (2008)

Level: Intermediate
Author(s): Thomas Saaty
This outline is for EMBA course on ANP Decision making.

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AHP/ANP Decision Course Guideline

Level: Intermediate
Author(s): Thomas Saaty
This outline is for AHP ANP Decision courses. Each lecture lasts 3 hours for 7 weeks

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The Unknown: What to Do About It

Level: Intermediate
Author(s): Thomas Saaty
The document is from Thomas Saaty's unpublished book "New Mathematics and Measurement for the Physical, Social and Life Sciences" finished in 2004. This is chapter 2 of the book - The Unknown: What to Do About It This chapter deals with the following ideas: -Augmenting a hierarchic...

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On the Measurement of Intangibles with Interdependence and Feedback: The Analytic Network and Neural Network Processes

Level: Advanced
Author(s): Thomas Saaty
The document is from Thomas Saaty's unpublished book "New Mathematics and Measurement for the Physical, Social and Life Sciences" finished in 2004. This is chapter 5: On the Measurement of Intangibles with Interdependence and Feedback: The Analytic Network and Neural Network Processes...

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SuperDecisions Software

Level: Beginner
Author(s): Creative Decisions Foundation
The SuperDecisions software is used for decision-making with dependence and feedback. It implements the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the Analytic Network Process (ANP). This software provides tools to create and manage AHP and ANP models, enter your judgments, get results and perform s...

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Validation Examples of the Analytic Hierarchy Process and Analytic Network Process

Level: Intermediate
Author(s): Thomas Saaty
The document is from Thomas Saaty's unpublished book "New Mathematics and Measurement for the Physical, Social and Life Sciences" finished in 2004. This is chapter 6: Validation Examples of the Analytic Hierarchy Process and Analytic Network Process. " In this chapter, we deal wi...

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Should the United States Legalize the Sale of Marijuana?

Level: Beginner
Author(s): Thomas Saaty
The document is from Thomas Saaty's unpublished book "New Mathematics and Measurement for the Physical, Social and Life Sciences" finished in 2004. This is chapter 8: Should the United States Legalize the Sale of Marijuana? "This chapter is written by Jonah Hatfield and Liza Amer...

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SuperDecisions Tutorial: AHP Sensitivity Analysis

Level: Beginner
Author(s): Creative Decisions Foundation
Sensitivity analysis is used to analyze how the priorities of the alternative solutions change as we vary the priority of one or more decision making factors (criteria).

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Decision Making for Leaders, an introduction to AHP/ANP methods

Level: Intermediate
Author(s): Elena Rokou
Want to learn how leaders tackle analytics problems? CDF's Chief Research Director, Dr. Elena Rokou, explores the techniques used for better business solutions. Learn about the Analytic Hierarchy Process, combining simulation and optimization techniques, and more, by watching this sponsored I...

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Python AhpAnpLib Tuotorials 1: How to install Tools needed

Level: Beginner
Author(s): Creative Decisions Foundation
Welcome to Python AhpAnpLib Tutorials! In this first tutorial, we will guide you through the process of installing the essential tools needed on a Mac and a Windows system to work with the Python AhpAnpLib library. Learn how to set up Visual Studio Code and Python to get started with creating AHP...

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Python AhpAnpLib Tuotorials 2: Installing Python AhpAnpLib library

Level: Beginner
Author(s): Creative Decisions Foundation
Welcome to Python AhpAnpLib Tutorials! In this second episode, we will show you how to install and validate the latest version of the Python AhpAnpLib library. Follow along as we guide you through the installation process step-by-step, ensuring you have the most up-to-date tools for creating AHP/...

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Python AppAnpLib Tuotorials 3-1c: Creating a model from a super matrix

Level: Advanced
Author(s): Creative Decisions Foundation
In this tutorial, we introduce a method of creating models using a supermatrix. with the supermatrix, goal, criteria, subcriteria, and alternatives, connections will be created automatically, and judgments will be read initially for the priority vectors in the supermatrix.

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Python AhpAnpLib Tuotorials 3-1d: Reading SuperDecisions model in Python

Level: Advanced
Author(s): Creative Decisions foundation
In this tutorial, we demonstrate a powerful feature that allows users to read SuperDecisions models directly into Python. With this capability, users can seamlessly integrate SuperDecisions models into their Python workflows, enhancing flexibility and efficiency in decision-making processes. All ...

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Python AhpAnpLib Tuotorials 3-5: Sensitivity Analysis

Level: Intermediate
Author(s): Creative Decisions Foundation
In this tutorial, we delve into the intricacies of sensitivity analysis and its application in the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Analytic Network Process (ANP) models. Learn how to evaluate the impact of parameter variations on decision outcomes using the Python AhpAnpLib.

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